Traditionally, there are three types of child placement in Rhode Island. One type of placement is with the mom (or one of the moms if the couple is gay), another type of placement is with the dad (or one of the dads if the couple is gay), and the third type of placement is shared. Shared placement is becoming increasingly popular because both people and the courts are realizing that it is usually in the child’s best interests to give each parent equal rights.
Instead of a one week off/one week on schedule, there is most often an alternating schedule whereby one party has three overnights with the child one week and four overnights with the child the following week, and vice versa. Under shared placement scenarios, both parents enjoy equal time with the child.
When parties share placement of the child, the child support that’s awarded to one party or the other would be based on an analysis of who has a greater percentage of income. In traditional placement situations where placement is given to the mother and the father gets visitation, the father would pay child support. If placement is given to the father and the mother gets visitation, then the mother would pay child support.
Due to the aversion toward child support obligations, these determinations can be very emotional. Many people are not comfortable being unable to control the way their money is spent on their child. As a result, many people will fight for the placement of the child in order to avoid a child support obligation.
How Is The Amount Of Child Support Determined In Rhode Island?
Child support is calculated based on the Rhode Island Child Support Guidelines. It is essentially a mathematical equation with certain variables that are plugged in based on the gross income of both parties, contributions to health care, tax credits for daycare, and other considerations that are applied to an index that will determine a number regarding a child support obligation.
If Both Parents Have Equal Custody Or Child Placement, Does Anyone Have To Pay Child Support?
Some parties with the court’s permission will elect to leave child support open and just agree to share expenses related to the children. However, when there is a huge difference in the gross income of both households, then the party who is making significantly less will receive child support if they have had primary placement of the children.
For more information on types of child placement in Rhode Island, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling 401-589-5599 today.
Our senior attorney, Veronica Assalone, is proficient in Spanish, French, German, Italian and American Sign Language. Our office assistant speaks Spanish.